Entrepreneurship, more than an activity, must be understood as a way of thinking and seeing life, where the problems of society become opportunities to grow and help others.

I have experience as an entrepreneur, employee and as a freelancer. During my career I have created several ventures where I have learned many things, but especially about leading teams, strategy, digital marketing, innovation and sales.

If you are interested in my profile and you think I can help you to change the world, do not hesitate to contact me: hello@davidgonza.com


I have created this blog because I want to develop writing skills, both in English and Spanish.

Filtro de turista - viendo los paisajes de Bogotá
Muchas veces nos dejamos atrapar por la monotonía, por las rutinas y por nuestros pensamientos repetitivos. Ponemos filtros en nuestros ojos, tal cual como lo hacemos en Instagram. Omitimos muchas historias y personas que están a nuestro alrededor. Abriendo los ojos Hace poco vino un amigo […]
Remote work
Remote work is here to stay. Although most of the time I have worked remotely from my home in Bogota, remote work has allowed me to visit more than 6 countries and 20 cities in just 2 years without spending my vacation days. That’s why I […]
Working in a startup can be one of the best colleges anyone can have. Not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. In this blog post I will talk about 5 things I have learned after completing my first year working in a Startup.